With my son

With my son

Did you know that once you start to look for those threads to yourself, by yourself or while visiting a psychoanalyst, usually every second thread leads to a relationship with parents? Often, this is where the origins and roots of many of our problems lie, from self-esteem to work qualities and behavior in relationships

I often think about this when I spend time with my son. And at the same moment I try to pour out more love and tenderness on him. Because I want my son to grow up as a confident, but sensitive and emotionally developed man. So that he always treats his loved ones with respect and care. So that no woman in the world would ever shed a single tear over my son. So that he always sees support in me. And in order for my son to remember these valuable and important moments for us years later, I leave these shots for him. And then my boy will not have to realize in adulthood that he was not loved enough in childhood.

I love you sooo much, son!

Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son
Victoria Manashirov - With my son