
Do you believe in reincarnation? That all of us have been here before and have lived even multiple previous lives, probably?This is the explanation, that people give to the fact, that there are little children, that suddenly share memories of events they could never have had experienced. There were documented cases of children suddenly speaking different languages, unknown to them!In this specific case we don’t need to go that deep. I just had all those thoughts after I looked into Sophie’s eyes and they were very grown-up and serious. I have no idea how an angel like her could get that look in her eyes! But, after all, angels know more than we do, don’t they?
Sofia - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Sofia - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Sofia - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Sofia - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Sofia - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography