
I’d like to share an interesting experiment with you. Let’s recall famous sayings about wine. Well, like these:Wine can drive even the wiseman crazy - a Greek proverbOr another saying from the penicillin inventor: “Antibiotics cure people, but it is wine that makes them happy.”Persian poet Sa’adi also said: “Wine brings color to your cheeks, but then makes them pale.”Attention! Now let us substitute the word “wine” in these proverbs with the word “woman”. See? The meaning of each of them still makes sense! For a true women makes you drunk way better than any wine!Bringing woman and wine together in a photoshoot? Definitely YES! A double trouble and a wonderful idea! Thank you, Olesya!
Olesya - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Olesya - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Olesya - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Olesya - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Olesya - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography