
Lately our newsfeeds consist of model-looking people and their photo sets, that are made by all genre and style laws and rules. It reminds me of that famous chocolate commercial, where everything should have been just perfectly the same. But is this truly perfection. Upon seeing such “perfection” I feel the itch to experiment with style, color, decorations, clothes! When on a day like this I come across an unusual looking model (and he wasn’t actually even a professional model, which was even better for my idea) - oh, trust me, I’ll take him/her through hell and high water. Well, in this specific case, we limited it to water.Water...origin of life, the base of it all. Water is perfectly textured, so photographers love taking shots of water running down the body, or splashes around, or reflects anything.But if we go a bit deeper - you’ll find even more meaningful associations to use water for photos. Water purifies us, takes off dust, dirt, and fatigue. It helps us to wake from sleep. It cures diseases. A simple connection of two hydrogen molecules with one molecule of oxygen is the necessary condition of our existence. That is why contact with water is pleasant for us. Which was quite easy to read from Itzik’s face during this photoshoot.
Itzik - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Itzik - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Itzik - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Itzik - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Itzik - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Itzik - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography
Itzik - Victoria Manashirov - Photoartist, Photography studio, Artistic photography