During the last studio photo session with Eden, I was inspired by the works of outstanding photographers of the world. For some reason, people give a lot of acknowledgement to famous artists, actors or directors. But outstanding photographers do not receive the same level of respect, unfortunately.One of the most influential photographers of the 20th century was Helmut Newton. A Jewish boy, born in Nazi Germany, he fled to Singapore, then to Australia, then came back to Europe, then moved to US. He eventually became cosmopolite long before the Internet era. He received acknowledgement only after he turned 50 . The man, who took amazing shots for French, German and American editions of Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Playboy, Harper’s Bazaar, Stern and other magazines.Stories like this give me new inspiration and strength. Stories like this one show me, that even the most talented people have to work very hard to achieve success and recognition. So time after time I grab my daughter’s hand, we close ourselves in the studio and I keep looking for the perfect light, perfect angle, perfect gesture, posture, facial expression, etc.And I want to never find them, so that I could always keep looking for them...