When I come back to myself

When I come back to myself

Any energy needs a source, doesn’t it? Any inspiration comes from somewhere. The car cannot drive unless you fill it with gas. Even the most thoroughbred horse cannot gallop until you feed him …

Each photo session with a client takes an incredible amount of energy from both the model and me, even when it all goes easy and smooth and we do not notice it. Therefore, every time when there’s an opportunity , I reverse the process and surrender to the energy flow, I act intuitively: I put on what I want right at the moment, I don’t think about the direction of movement …

As a result, I can find myself in a magical place where I want to surrender to the will of the wind playing with the folds of my dress and dance, sing, throw my head back. This is how both energy and inspiration come to me. And by the time I come to my senses, parking the car near my house, I am again ready to be not an object of phototherapy, but its humble guide and servant …